Agent properties
Agents have many different properties that control various aspects and behaviours. In this document we will explain each of these properties to help you understand how you can customize your agent.
Agent handle
Agent handles are a globally unique identifier for your agent. This of this like a twitter handle or instagram username. Your agent will be reachable through this handle by visiting{HANDLE}
Agent name
The agent name is the public facing name of your agent. This is what will show up when users load the page when they visit your agent.
Agent description
This basically tells your users what your agent does or you can think of it as it's "tag line".
Agent avatar
This is the icon that represents your agent.
Agent instruction
The agent instructions are the guidelines and instructions the agent will follow as it engages with your users. This is where you will tell your agent how to behave and what it should do. This is generally what differentiates agents from one another.
Generally the basic properties are the most important. To enable more configuration you can also customize your advanced properties.
Links are click-able entries that are visible to your users. Links can be prompts that are sent to your agent and lead to a response or external urls to link to other services or websites.
Allow users to upload files
This setting enables your users to upload files. Once turn on you can further customize this to allow Documents only which only supports pdfs and docxs or Images and documents which allow uploading images as well. Please visit Vision and image querying for more information on vision and image querying.
Require email to use
This requires users to enter their email before they can use the agent.
Use V2 Agent
V2 agents are a new type of agent that is built on our own RAG pipeline. V2 agents are more flexible but generally GPT creators do not need to use them unless you have a special usecase and would like more control.
GPT model
This enables you to select the underlying OpenAI model to power your agent. Free plans only support gpt-3.5-turbo while paid plans support gpt-4. Please note that using gpt-4 uses more message credits. Learn more by reading Messages and limits
Agents can be unlisted or public. Public agents are viewable and reachable by going to while unlisted agents are only reachable by users who have your link or know your agent handle.
Welcome message
The welcome message is the first thing that users see when the landing on your agent's chat page.
Collect user emails
Enabling this feature adds an email signup box on your agent's chat page. Please note that signing up will be optional for your users.
Allow mobile download
This feature allows your agent to be downloaded on mobile devices only. This works by allowing your users to create a shortcut on their devices homescreen for easy access to your agent.