
Zapier Workflow Integration Guide



The official Agenthost Zapier application is available here

In this guide, we'll walk you through how to integrate Agenthost with Zapier to enable your agents to talk to over 7,000+ applications already existing in Zapier so it can do useful things for you.

Get your API Key

In order to use Agenthost on Zapier, you need to create an API Key. To do this follow these steps.

  1. Go to settings
  2. Select Credentials
  3. Then on the right of API Keys, please select Create
  4. Give your key a name for your referencing then hit Create
  5. You will be shown the API Key. Select Copy and store it somewhere safe. You will never be shown the key again.

Connect to Agenthost on Zapier

  1. Go to the Agenthost integration page or go to Apps and search Agenthost
  2. Select the Agenthost application.
  3. Go to the Account tab and begin the connection process. This will create a popup where you will be asked for you api token.
  4. Paste the API Key you created
  5. Continue and wait for Zapier to connect to your account.

Need help? Please reach out to [email protected]